Our Partnerships
We provide opportunities to serve right where you are at in your community or in a global capacity. For more information email jade@publicchurch.com
Local Partnerships
The Caring Place
Desires to give everyone access to the resources & opportunities people in the Cleveland community need to thrive, specifically: clothing, food, Getting Ahead Program.
Learn more here: https://thecaringplaceonline.org/
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.
Learn more here: https://www.fca.org/
International Friends Network
International Friends network Provides opportunities to serve internationals in our city through authentic relationships by living life together in a variety of ways, such as: Conversation Corner which focuses on sharpening English language skills, soccer nights throughout the summer to build connections & community, & celebrating American holidays, as well as holidays from other countries.
Learn more here: https://www.internationalfriendsnetwork.org/
Isaiah 117 House
Isaiah 117 provides a comforting home where these children instead can be brought to wait – a place that is safe with friendly and loving volunteers who provide clean clothes, smiles, toys, and snuggly blankets. This space allows children to receive the comfort and care they need while child welfare staff can do the necessary paperwork and identify a good placement.
Learn more here: https://isaiah117house.com/
New Hope Pregnancy Care Center
We desire to be the first choice for help in our community among those who are pregnant or think they may be, by offering a confidential, non-judgmental environment where clients can receive the help and tangible resources they need.
Learn more here: https://www.clevelandtnpregnancy.com/
Promise 686
The mission of Promise686 is to wrap around and support local foster/adoptive families. The goal is to get four or five families to come alongside a foster family that can help provide meals, help with childcare with bio or foster kids, be a prayer support and help with extra things like school supplies, etc.
Learn more here: https://promise686.org/
Stuart Elementary
Stuart is less than half a mile from the Public Church campus & we honored to be their partner church. Public Church serves Stuart through meet the teacher night, school supply donation drive, & a multitude of other ways as needs arise throughout the school year.
Learn more here: https://www.clevelandschools.org/o/stuart
Ocoee Outreach
As an organization, Ocoee Outreach is committed to bringing Access & Empowerment. Access to the Gospel of Jesus & Safe Housing and Empowerment of our volunteers to live the Gospel & our homeowners to take pride in their homes, restoring dignity.
Learn more here: https://www.ocoeeoutreach.org/
Willowbend Farms
Willowbend Farms is a faith-based, Christ-centered, non-profit organization focused on the restoration of minor and adult survivors of human trafficking to facilitate health in all areas of life including physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, educational, financial, and job skill assessment and partnership. They believe the strategy of the Lord is to not only restore survivors of trafficking, sexual exploitation, and sexual violence to who they are in Christ but to end the demand side of Human Trafficking.
Learn more here: https://www.willowbendfarms.org/
Global Partnerships
Come Alive
Come Alive is located in the 10-40 window & works primarily with Muslim young adults & children, many of whom come from a background of generational slavery and are therefore undocumented in their own country. Therefore, access the government education system is non-existent, & the education provided through the center is their only means of access.
LongArm Safe Haven is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit planted in the heart of Malawi, Africa. It was started as a place that can provide vulnerable orphaned children with their basic human rights & needs. Family preservation is the goal, & if that is not possible, they hope to be a bridge in bringing children into the loving care of adoptive families, while also shining a light of redeeming love to those in the community.
Learn more here: https://www.longarmmalawi.com/
Nightingales Children’s Project
Nightingales children's project is an organization located in South-east Romania helping disadvantaged young people.
Learn more here: https://nightingaleschildrensproject.co.uk/
Shepherd's Heart International
Shepherd's Heart is a family advocacy ministry working with vulnerable children and their families to help break the cycle of economic, social and spiritual poverty in Kenya. They believe that every human life has immeasurable value and potential.
Learn more here: https://www.shepherdsheartinternational.org/
In addition to these partnerships, several people from our church family relocate to serve globally during the summer, and we support them as they prepare, relocate, and process once they return home.