Creates a welcoming environment before, during, and after gatherings
Global Justice
Serves our global partnerships, as well as our “sent out ones”, keeping an Acts 1:8 mindset
Focuses on supporting other teams and filling in gaps; whole-house servants encouraging the heart of the house
Info Hub
Loves to help people take their next steps in their journey of following Jesus
International Friends Network provides a place of friendship & refuge for local internationals by practicing English, studying the Word, & living life together
Local Justice
Serves the local community (i.e. nonprofits, schools etc.) with outreach & encouragement opportunities
Orchestrates the flow of traffic and helps safely park vehicles as they arrive
Provides opportunities to depend on God’s limitless power through prayer
Stewards the campus God has given us through regular maintenance needs and special projects
Comes alongside parents in the disciple-making process for children birth-5th grade
Public Students
Developing our middle and high school students as they step into their role in Jesus’ Public Church
Public College
Equips, challenges, and encourages students to genuinely represent Jesus
Public WOrship: BAnd
Provides musical worship for our Sunday Gatherings and other events
Public worship: Broadcast
Makes Sunday gatherings and special events accessible to an online audience
Public WOrship: Creative
Develops all media content, both digital and physical
Public Worship: Production
Coordinates the technical aspects of gatherings and events
Helps ensure an atmosphere of safety and security for all our environments